Our History

Embark on the captivating history of SG Scholars, a journey that began as a lighthearted joke shared within the walls of a college dormitory, only to evolve into a heartfelt endeavor centered around empowering students and witnessing their remarkable achievements. In this chapter of our story, we delve into the transformation that ignited a deep sense of joy in witnessing students thrive..

The Idea

SG Scholars was born amidst laughter and late-night conversations, as a group of friends playfully explored the idea of providing academic assistance to fellow students. What started as a humorous notion soon revealed a glimmer of potential—our shared passion for education and the collective belief in the power of support and mentorship.

Our Vision

SG Scholar aims inspire new ventures, outside-of-the-box ideas, and smart solutions in order to empower students to continue down a path which fulfills their career goals and life-lomg aspirations

Our Mission

At SG Scholars, our mission is to illuminate the educational journey, providing students with the support they need to thrive. We wholeheartedly believe that every student possesses the ability to excel and make a positive impact on the world. Join us as we continue to transform the lives of students, celebrating their achievements, and illuminating the pathway to a future filled with limitless possibilities. Together, let us shape the future generation of scholars and inspire them to soar to new heights of success.